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Thursday, July 29, 2010

U.S. District Judge Eviscerates Arizona's SB 1070

San Diego, California (CNN) -- on Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton ripped the guts out of SB 1070 striking down the most egregious and indefensible parts of Arizona's immigration law.

Ruben Navarette (commentary) is the first Hispanic-American that acknowledges what most Americans feel about the audacity of the illegal community in demanding ‘rights’ they have not earned nor deserve. I agree too, that allowing states to usurp federal authority is a dangerous precedent. Imagine what that might look like even in modern South Carolina or Mississippi for both Blacks and Hispanics. I have nightmares about such things after viewing documentaries of the post Jim Crow era. And when I travel and must leave Rt. 95 north from Florida for any reason, I have day mares that are equally scary.

But law enforcement has ways around normal legal processes in emergencies, called exigent circumstances that allow them to take extra-procedural (legal) measures. I think in fairness, that Arizona is feeling a similar state of emergency, as are many communities all over America. Pennsylvania and the Washington D.C. area are over flowing with hard drinking, bad driving, ‘insurance?...we don’t need no stinking insurance’-minded illegals. Don’t get me started on the burden to our health care systems their wives and girl friends, popping out 4 or 5 babies in 5 or 6 six years has. The country is being over-run while congress sits on its hands. We need a solution that criminalizes illegal entry, the employment of illegal aliens, criminal sanctions against employers, and a path to legal status that first sends them back. We cannot reward illegal behavior.

One final point: I reject the notion that illegal aliens are doing work Americans won’t do. That is a spurious argument based on a fallacy. Illegal aliens do work Americans won’t do for illegal rates of pay. I wish advocates would please make this distinction, because it buttresses the argument that contractors paying these illegal and immoral wages are the reason that so many settled in Arizona. I challenge anyone to visit any American city and watch roofers at work during the sweltering heat of July. You will find that the vast majority of the employees are White with some Black and Hispanic workers sprinkled in. The key element here is not the heat, but the $20-$30 bucks an hour they are earning. Better still, watch the TV show ‘Dirty Jobs’ on A&E. You will see White Americans cleaning greasy, dirty, heavy equipment, sewer lines, the bilge holds on ships, portable potties, and 20 story smoke stacks full of years of grime. Many of these jobs pay above average wages, and are Union shops. African Americans still have problems being admitted to unions, and I expect the same is true for Hispanic Americans. But there is no lack of desire to work these unsavory jobs. So please, I implore you to stop promoting this inaccurate misinformation.

tnasitispeaks-all rights reserved

Monday, July 26, 2010

Who Granted Illegal Aliens The Divine Right to All Things American?

Immigrant groups criticize fingerprint initiative-Yahoo news 07/26/2010

I frankly, don't see the problem here. During the sixties, J. Edgar Hoover initiated-quietly initiated I might add-a program designed to finger print every African American arrested for anything-misdemeanor, domestic violence, J-walking-it didn't matter. The idea was to document and track Black males at a time when a political revolution of sorts was under way.

This was done without congressional or media involvement. Today, if any American is arrested for drunk driving, shop lifting, domestic violence, or a felony of course, they are automatically finger printed and run through the national data base (NCIC-National Crime Information Center) for warrants. The illeagl alien lobby wants illegals to be exempt from this basic law enforcement tool. Now I know that illegal aliens, Hispanics in particular, think that they have a 'right' to be here, and are somehow an exception to the laws that govern everyone else, but what makes them exempt? Why shouldn't they be finger printed like the rest of us, after an arrest? This idea of 'special privilege' gulls me no end. No other ethnic, religious, or cultural group asks for such special handling. Do hispanics think that by naming every-other son 'Jesus,' they're due a special insider status or something?

Proponents of illegal aliens argue that this new regulation would make some illegal aliens hesitant to report a crime. I say bull shnit. New Yorkers are infamous for not reporting crimes as it is, yet their city still functions admirably. Should all New yorkers be exempt from finger printing after an arrest too, in an effort to enhance their reporting of crimes? Even if some innocent illegals (which is a misnomer, because they are already guilty of breaking and entering the country) are swept-up as a result, I fail to see the problem in that. To me it's like a bonus, a kind of 'Bingo!' benefit. Maybe they could give toasters or micro-waves away to the ICE agents with the most 'Bingo Bonuses' at the the end of each month.

I am so tired of these advocates screaming in horror over things the average American lives with on a daily basis. It is this 'oh my!' crap that keeps new ones coming, and old ones acting like America owes them something.

Tnasitispeaks-all rights reserved

Saturday, July 17, 2010

White People Still Get All The Breaks

It’s good to be White and American-even if you’re a criminal. The heralded Barefoot Bandit (Colton Harris) is apprehended in Eluthera, Bahamas, and tens of thousands of facebook fans howl. There was little concern for the people who had their homes and property plundered by this land-pirate. The comments on Yahoo and other sites which are so harsh towards Somali pirates and inner city criminals were full of warm, cozy, comments of support. Once again it becomes clear how racialized-thinking affects everything, even pop-culture in America. Had this guy been anything but White, this story would have been buried on page 9. 

Harris’ crimes have been pointedly characterized as non violent. Yet piracy in Somalia or a home invasion in Seattle, are portrayed by the media as violent crimes. But I would argue that they are all fundamentally the same. The Somali pirates commandeer ships-the Barefoot Bandit steals smaller boats but adds planes. Petty criminals break into homes or businesses-the barefoot bandit breaks into homes and businesses. The Somali pirates, and your local B&E (breaking and entering) artist brandish weapons-the barefoot bandit brandished a weapon. The Somali pirates threaten large areas, and Colton Harris burned a swath from the Pacific Northwest to the Southeastern Caribbean. In each of the above scenarios, innocent people could easily have been injured or killed. Colton Harris is no Robin Hood. Colton Harris is simply a hood.

But there is one area that distinguishes what Colton Harris did from those other crimes. This 'bandit' committed his crimes for fun and fame. He is but the latest example of Americans doing stupid stuff (yacht girl, balloon boy, mountain climber-kid) for notoriety, an instant of fame and a subsequent payday. Colton Harris violated the lives and homes of others for the thrill of it. At least one could argue that the Somali pirates are attempting to feed their families in the absence of other legitimate work. Nor did he have the excuse of feeding a raging drug habit, like so many petty criminals. Colton Harris’ immediate motivation was the ego-boost he received from reading about his exploits on facebook. This man-and by the way he is not a kid as the media portrays him-is simply a selfish, self promoting miscreant, who deserves to spend decades in a dank, damp, sweltering Bahamian prison.

Yet the US government will spring into action, and see that this ‘man-boy’ comes home to a hero’s welcome, and a short stay in a minimum security jail. Harris will probably be allowed internet access so he can keep up with his facebook fans. This 6’ 5” sneak-thief is nothing more than a nocturnal scavenger that will probably be someone half his size’s girlfriend, in even the fluffiest of jails. Perhaps then he’ll understand what it is like to be violated by another.

Tnasiti speaks-all rights reserved

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

RE: An Article In Yahoo Comments About Arizona's Immigration Policy

Pancho Villa wrote-

"If you only knew the life and stuggles of a illegal. Minimum wage can only get some of your bills paid. Think about that when your at Disney land while we clean up your streets and take out your trash."

Well Pancho, have you stopped to consider how many low-income Americans could be hired and made more productive if they had access to legal wages and jobs which illegal aliens now occupy?

Why should any American go without so that some criminal alien can support his/her family back home? Why don't you target the corrupt and ineffective governments of the countries that export illegal aliens, in an effort to provide for their own people? Why should we subsidize Mexico or Guatemala during these trying economic times? Why should our tax dollars go to provide medical care for people that are criminally in this country? Please explain this to us.

What gulls many Americans is the attitude of many illegals that becaue they're supposedly not currently breaking the law, they should be left alone? It's your sense of 'privilege' that drives Americans crazy, as though we owe you something because you want a better life. You are entititled to nothing beyond a hearing before sending you back, and that's it.

According to your logic, we owe the Somali pirates the provilege to better themselves by hijacking our shipping too? You're saying that if you don't like your lot in life in whatever country, you then have the 'RIGHT' to break into ours to support the lifestyle you believe you're due?

The only rights or privileges you are owed are back in your home country. Who the flick do you think you are, that we should make way for you and your litter of TOO MANY DAMN kids?

Mind you, I am all for humanitarian help when it is necessary, but not when it is an unwritten policy position circumventing existing immigration law not supported by the will of the American people.