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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

RE: An Article In Yahoo Comments About Arizona's Immigration Policy

Pancho Villa wrote-

"If you only knew the life and stuggles of a illegal. Minimum wage can only get some of your bills paid. Think about that when your at Disney land while we clean up your streets and take out your trash."

Well Pancho, have you stopped to consider how many low-income Americans could be hired and made more productive if they had access to legal wages and jobs which illegal aliens now occupy?

Why should any American go without so that some criminal alien can support his/her family back home? Why don't you target the corrupt and ineffective governments of the countries that export illegal aliens, in an effort to provide for their own people? Why should we subsidize Mexico or Guatemala during these trying economic times? Why should our tax dollars go to provide medical care for people that are criminally in this country? Please explain this to us.

What gulls many Americans is the attitude of many illegals that becaue they're supposedly not currently breaking the law, they should be left alone? It's your sense of 'privilege' that drives Americans crazy, as though we owe you something because you want a better life. You are entititled to nothing beyond a hearing before sending you back, and that's it.

According to your logic, we owe the Somali pirates the provilege to better themselves by hijacking our shipping too? You're saying that if you don't like your lot in life in whatever country, you then have the 'RIGHT' to break into ours to support the lifestyle you believe you're due?

The only rights or privileges you are owed are back in your home country. Who the flick do you think you are, that we should make way for you and your litter of TOO MANY DAMN kids?

Mind you, I am all for humanitarian help when it is necessary, but not when it is an unwritten policy position circumventing existing immigration law not supported by the will of the American people.

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